I love it when all your plans come together...
Hi hi - I've been away from Blog land for a little longer than expected, what with being a mummy, running three business' and being away in New York for the wedding of the year (my fab friend Franny's - photo's to follow)
Being hectic is great but it's great to get to grips with all the simple and pleasurable things in life
i.e family, thrifty treasure hunting and sewing!
What a wash out of a weekend for Thrifty Treasure Hunting (TTH) ...but an early bird catches the worm (even in the rain) I came back with some fab finds for all the family!

I love to get home and get everything out of my 'Booty Basket' The feeling of rescuing an item and giving it a new home is just wonderful...I home in on all things Rosy as our abode is called Rose Cottage anda few other pretty items hop into my basket along the way...Like Noddy...he was 20p and he still had his tag on, he really makes me smile and he instantly put a smile on Lennon's face, he's been fed and watered and is now tucked up in bed!
Blissful round 1…
What a wash out of a weekend for Thrifty Treasure Hunting (TTH) ...but an early bird catches the worm (even in rain) I came back with some fab finds for all the family!

A teeny tiny pretty tapestry which got the CAT (Cheryl-ann Taylor) shabby shake up with a pot of F & B paint! - £3.00

I couldn't resist these polka dot Christmas decoration - a treasure steal at 5p each!

I've been looking for a little pretty something to hang above our kitchen table, we have wall lights in the cottage and this vintage crystal candle thingy does the trick - £8.00

Thrifty Teapot - £3.00

All in all a truly thrifty treasure hunt! Mmm empty cupboard please – how much are they!

Blissful round 2…
My dear friend Frances inherited this thickly painted bogey green cupboard from a house she bought and it came back with me to Yorkshire, sat in the shed for two years and finally ‘Ta Dah’…she has had a CAT shabby shake up…perfect for all those booty finds!

A few other little treasures found themselves a new home too – How cute is Lennon’s Frog Finger puppet and chick made by Naomi.

Thanks Tim they were delicious…dip dip dip!

“Mummy shall I water the garden for you in my own special way!”

Blissful round 3
Bag woman is my new name…
A couple of weeks ago a bought these two vintage wicker beauties and ready for summer they’ve had a CAT sew session! Luckily the basket was already lined in a horrible PVC, love an easy pattern!

A choice of two cute floral fabrics, some bargain ribbons from Boyes and a few vintage trims lurking in the studio and my two new bags have been made to look pretty (basket for the push chair to carry all Len’s bits)

Wowee, thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog.
Lots of thrifty love xxx